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Germany Go Brr

Germany is a civilization lead by Federick Barbarossa. They have multiple abilitys that make them quite versatile on what victory path to go for. They are best suited for a domination or a science victory.

Best Victory Types

Science: 10/10


Germany is well suited for the Science Victory due to the amazing Hansa and the insane amounts of production you can achieve from them. With this production you can easily build campuses in every city and finish the production heavy space projects much faster than any other civ. With Free Imperial Cities as well, Germany should have no problem getting all the districts needed to snowball through the stages of the game. On top of that, if utilized correctly, the Hansa should be more than able to quickly complete all the spaceport projects.

Domination: 8/10


Germany is quite proficient at the Domination Victory. They can kill city states early on to start snowballing to powerful units. Then fueled by the Hansa, they can create units at an insane rate. Although they do not get any combat bonuses against players, the sheer amount of production they have mid-late game means they can muster a powerful army quick. Mid-late game you will see Germany essentially throwing units at players since they are produced so fast, however since they don't have any actual combat bonuses, they are only 8/10.

Religion: 1/10


Do I need to even explain this? Germany recieves 0 bonuses to faith generation, so this already puts them at average in faith generation. On top of that, you should be utilizing the hansa and the campus to snowball through the mid portion of the game. Stopping to build holy sites will only slow you down. Don't attempt a religious victory, just play Arabia instead.

Culture: 3/10


Germany has a niche culture victory condition. They can rack up alot of production to build some of the late game production heavy wonders. This and Theatre Squares might be able to propell you towards a culture victory. However since Germany doesn't have any actual bonuses to culture production, they are only 3/10.

Free Imperial Cities


The Hansa is Germany's unique district replacement for the industrial zone. The Hansa is argued to be one of the most powerful unique abilitys / districts in the game, due to the sheer amount of production you can obtain.


this unit is booty cheeks (jk cant make guide on it rn)